Page name: Hackers Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-14 23:43:52
Last author: -Tier-
Owner: Janus Star
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Welcome to Hackers Unite!




:Hijacker Badge:
- Hijack another users account on ET.

:Ghost Badge:
- Become a guard on ET.

:Cell Badge:
- Put this wiki URL on five or more different sites, where there are possibly hackers.

:Circle Badge:
- Establish a monthly meeting spot for hackers in your location.

:Cyber Ninja Badge:
- Hack someone's network an get their password(s).


1. [Genesis~] UPC: TERMINATED

     Awards: Circle Badge, Cyber Ninja Badge, Hijacker Badge

2. [Janus Star] UPC: 100101

     Awards: Circle Badge, Cyber Ninja Badge, Hijacker Badge

4. [Diiwica] UPC: 010001

NOTE: Do not post any exploits on here.

Username (or number or email):


2006-05-31 [deleted by the artist]: Hackthissite was easy just sources and why do you have a link to a lemmings game? and is there any reason you invited me?

2006-05-31 [Balthizar]: Same question, Why was I invited?

2006-05-31 [princess_ of _darkness]: same here why did i get this random invite... and why am i here???

2006-05-31 [Genesis~]: Because lemmings is a sweet game, and you are all here because of your "Computer interests" we were hoping some of you would like to join...

2006-05-31 [Balthizar]: My computer interests is creating story lines for Computer games and video games

2006-05-31 [Genesis~]: you also had graphics , and windows on your interests..

2006-05-31 [Balthizar]: Graphics is for Flash 8 program my school has I used to create nifty 5 minute videos and Windows is from a class im taking to create Websites.

2006-05-31 [Diiwica]: There are a many useful qualities one can get fromthat beleive it or not

2006-05-31 [Genesis~]: yes, that is why he was invited..

2006-05-31 [Balthizar]: Im sure there is. Yet, I would rather create Websites then Hack into them.

2006-05-31 [Genesis~]: but how better to learn about protecting your websites that you build, then breaking into them??

2006-05-31 [Balthizar]: My web sites would not contain anything worth breaking into,

2006-05-31 [Genesis~]: Look, im not here to argue with you, or persuade you, if you want in, then just say it, if you don't then leave..

2006-06-01 [levhole]: I have received an invitation to this site. I'll check out your tests and if I think I have time for it I'm in.

2006-06-01 [Janus Star]: ...first of all, id just like to say one thing, the windows intereastrests thing, is not there to put down cause you like "makeing websites" that would be what the "web design" check box in the intereasts is for....

2006-06-01 [Janus Star]: the windows check box refers to the operateing system itself, how it runs, an if you know how it runs. what it uses for security blah blah, then you obviously know what your doing... thus why he invited you.. simply put... if you dont like invites like this... change your intereasts to the correct interests corresponding to what you actualy know and like

2006-06-01 [Balthizar]: Generally though you get to know some one before you send a wiki invite.

2006-06-01 [Janus Star]: what would be the point of getting to know someone... based on the subject of this wiki, do you think any of us are goint to reveal who we are? .... the answer to that question is very simple

2006-06-01 [Balthizar]: That isnt the point though, Generally you do not send an invite based on what there interests are. You usually get to know them to make sure they are the kind of person you want there.

2006-06-01 [Janus Star]: This is how we get to know you, people like us just dont sit back an ask you questions, cause you can "say" you know this stuff an your the right type all you want... truth be told its your actions that speak for themselves... an what you do in this wiki... would defently tell us if your the right person for this wiki or not... an if your not.. trust me youll know when you no longer see your name on the member list

2006-06-01 [Balthizar]: Odd, I run many RPG's and I would never allow some one into the game without Interviewing them first. I want to make sure they are not going to waste my time or anothers time. So I usually get to know them first, maybe even do a small amount of research first.

2006-06-02 [Janus Star]: ...i see... RP is RP... haveing to be interviewed to get into an rp is pathetic... RP is suppose to be similar to real life... you cant pic or choose who you run into...*sigh* damn real RPers are dieing... its sad really... but back to this subject.. if you waste are time we kick you out... simple as that..

2006-06-02 [Balthizar]: Actually, it depends on the RP. Im not going to allow some one who is immature and will powerplay into the RPG. That just causes problems.

2006-06-02 [Janus Star]: depends on how good of an rper you are.... ive had several god types join my rps.. i work around them..... an i even try to help them, youll come to find most "Immature Rpers" arnt really immature at all, they just need to be taught alittle better... people who dont give them a chance..... are whats killing rp...... Dwindleing it down to the little amount of websites its on.... but hey im not here to tell you how to run your rps... thats up to you... you just wont find me anywhere near your rps..... an problems happen all the time in life... thats what makes life what it is... if it wasnt for problems... an figureing out how to solve them... life would be nothing

2006-06-02 [Balthizar]: Ah but having some one get mad cause you told them their powers were too goddly and you suggested another power. And then watch as they delelte everything, yah, doesnt make me happy. I dont like pouring work into somthing, and watching some one destroy it.

2006-06-02 [Janus Star]: what work? i dont understand...rp is simpley put, you create a basic story line, then you improve with other characters... so things dont happen the way you want them to in your rp? well thats how RP is... when you invovle other people, the story line you want.... never happens.... an if you force it to happen, that in itself is the biggest GOD like power in rp.... therefore i aske again? what work? a paragraph of the basic story line? oh maybe createing multipull wikis an linking them together to be diffent towns... *whisper* let me tell you a secret... if you truely dont like a god power character an he wont change... delete him an say your character killed him/her or somthing to that affe

2006-06-02 [Janus Star]: affect, the glorious thing about rp... is its not real... so you can do that

2006-06-02 [Balthizar]: I have. But the person deletes everything. I know how to deal with them, I've dealt with them enough though. Now I have to to where I can spot the easier within the first couple of posts

2006-06-02 [Janus Star]: I still dont understand your point.. i personnaly think your a lazy rper if your not willing to deal with ALL aspects of an rp, *sigh*...haveing to be interviewed..thats kinda lame.... oh well... your rp is your not trying to change or question the way you do things... so i would very much apreaciate it, if you did not question us about the way we do things simply put... do not join if you dont want to, an over look are invite... good day to you

2006-06-02 [Genesis~]: I already told him, I don't believe he knows anything about Windows, and was just putting it on his computer interests to fill in the blank spot he had there.. [Janus Star], did you ever get that Windows Xp crack to work?

2006-06-02 [Janus Star]: Of course i did

2006-06-04 [Helghast]: hello

2006-06-05 [Janus Star]: Greetings [Helghast], Welcome to Hackers Unite... i took a look at your profile, an your computer intereast raises a concern of why you are here... your into graphics an video.. both of wich have nothing to do with hacking, however are still a usfull skill none the less. if you could. please tell us why you are here?

2006-06-05 [Vincent FoxLore]: J0 d4wg5!!1!!!1

2006-06-06 [Janus Star]: Please refrain from takeing the hacker language an useing it with street language such as "yo dawg" thank you an have a nice day

2006-06-06 [Diiwica]:  >.< evil talk... "yo dawg" i mean

2006-06-07 [Janus Star]: I agree... very primative...

2006-06-07 [Diiwica]: Leet wasnt meant to be used as a language for the idiots that dont even understand english to sit there and catch it some more.

2006-06-17 [Genesis~]: O.o;

2006-06-18 [Janus Star]: ~.~

2006-07-06 [Diiwica]: you know on here is a large section on hacking, as well how to run perl scripts c++, trojans and all sorts of other things, that is well if you earn a VIP statusor higher. If any of you are interested in checking it out Message me I have a Gods account that will gain you access jus PM me

2006-07-07 [Kurokasai Senshu]: Well, it seems i found the backup sites and have gained acceptance, im way into computers, programing, audio vido and web stuff. Im definatly a n00b, but ill learn no prob.

2006-07-07 [Genesis~]: Welcome aboard Senshu, pick a number between 1 and 11.

2006-07-07 [Diiwica]: I forgot to let you all know that I am in... but yeah

2006-07-07 [Genesis~]: Do you have any specialties?

2006-07-07 [Diiwica]: Ha not really, kind of a n00b at hacking.

2006-07-07 [Diiwica]: However I did make comp. Turms Peral script, Yes i know spelled I do know the terms. and I am an active member on

2006-07-07 [Kurokasai Senshu]: ummm, 6

2006-07-07 [Genesis~]: Why would you pick six?!?!? out of all the numbers between 1 and 11, that gives you three numbers with 1's and 0's...and you pick six..

2006-07-07 [Genesis~]: for now on, when you see numbers, there are only two numbers that will appeal to you..1 and 0 ok?

2006-07-07 [Diiwica]: binary, so useful

2006-07-15 [Janus Star]: wow, ive been gone a bit, sorry about that, an yes binary is useful....but hard to read, very few can read it, even some of the best hackers dont fully understand binary... im not trying to be rude my dear, but dont pretend like you know know how this wiki feels like about fakes....

2006-07-16 [Terror and Hubris]: uuhhh, i have a question for oyu guys, and gals, if you dont mind....

2006-07-16 [Diiwica]: And what Is that?

2006-07-23 @Not logged in user@: Is it possible to hack a myspace?? What about a photobucket account?

2006-07-23 [Diiwica]: DUH you can hack both... >.> how stupid of a question

2006-07-24 [Janus Star]: ...its actualy a very Intellagent question [Diiwica]... because in or not you can hack anything at all depends on the level of security on that particular site... take World of Warcraft for example.... or even Westwood online... even the best hacker cannot hack them... its extreamly hard

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: I beg the differ, some hacker by the name ||||||||| hacked westwood online, for red alert 2, and did it repeatedly for 1 whole year.. it was a pain in the ass, becuase he hacked it every night thre same time i got on to play..

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: And he would make it so no one could play games online for 1 hour..

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: Anything can be hacked, it just depends how good you are, and how much your willing to risk..

2006-07-24 [Janus Star]: yes but how long ago was that? quite a while, an you know as well as i do, that now adays westwood is really hard to hack

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: That was one year ago...

2006-07-24 [Janus Star]: alot can change in a year... dont be foolish to rush into somthing just because someone else did somthing a year ago, thats how people get caught...youd be suprised how much security one can add in a year...

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: I wasn't foolish enough to rush into that a year after he did it, it is foolish of you to egven trhink i would try to hack that after some other hacker hacked it, and then disappeared..

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: Everyone tell me what you want your UPC's to be, and Ill add them..

2006-07-24 [Janus Star]: i never said that what YOU where thinking that, i was merly stateing it on the board for others to see, i already know you havent tryed to hack it, because you dont need to, your good enuff at the damn game, you have no need for was merly an statement on the board, not really directed at you, just a responce for others preferable new people to read so THEY wont be foolish

2006-07-24 [Janus Star]: anyways, id like to ask @not logged in user@ why you want to hack myspace? it seems very pointless to me

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: 0|<

2006-07-25 @Not logged in user@: hi

2006-07-25 [Genesis~]: The bible of phreaking faithful

2006-07-25 [Genesis~]: n the first Friday of each month, they gather by pay phones around the globe to hone the art of hacking.

2006-07-25 [Genesis~]: In Florida, hackers and wannabes might hang by the bank of phones at the Fashion Square Mall food court in Orlando, or outside the Victoria Station restaurant at Miami’s Dadeland Shopping Center. In Manhattan, it’s in the Citicorp Center lobby. In New Delhi, the Priya Cinema Complex. In Munich’s Hauptbahnhof, a train station, by the Burger King.

2006-07-25 [Genesis~]: At dozens of pay phone sites around the world, hackers meet to swap gossip. They trade technical tips. They strut their latest hacking triumphs. Or they just listen and learn.

2006-07-25 [Plunderbunny]: Hackers of the world unite! *punches fist into air* Ah. I've been watching the film "Hackers" too much. Anyhoo, I shall now lift my nose out of this little corner and wish you all luck. ;)

2006-07-26 [Genesis~]: People!! make a six number UPC code!

2006-07-26 [Janus Star]: 100101

2006-07-26 [Diiwica]: 010001

2006-07-26 [Genesis~]: If you guys want barcodes, im sure you can find them on your own, but if not, just ask me, and ill make one for you. by the way, the barcode is saposed to be your number, not your name.

2006-08-03 [Genesis~]: Everyone.. today yuo need to go out to your local pay phone, and get the phone number, and thren post it opn here for tommorow, so we can call each other.

2006-08-04 [Janus Star]: Yyup.... First friday of the mounth!

2006-08-04 [Diiwica]: That only works on some pay phones.... you do know that dont you?

2006-08-04 [Janus Star]: ... we arn talking about what you think we are talking about, THAT dosent work on any pay phone anymore period.... but plugging a computer into a payphones phone line... still works cause there is no REAL way to block that

2006-08-05 [Genesis~]: That was one of the most Ubber LEet Times I had this week!! I cant wait until next month!

2006-08-05 [Janus Star]: Yes yes very successfull night...

2006-08-05 [Mr_McEwan]: LOSERS!

2006-08-05 [Janus Star]: im sorry but i dont see how we are sir are the one wasteing your time insulting people over the internet... personnaly you will never meet any of us, therefore your opinion of us dosent merit much... so how about you grow up alittle an move on to somthing alittle more productive with your life

2006-08-07 [Genesis~]: CyberStar...Im thinking there might be another mission coming up soon if you catch the wind that blows in my sails...

2006-08-08 [Kurokasai Senshu]: Hmmm, im not exatly sure how to do this so i figured that comming here would be the best idea. I have a shitton of .avi files, how would i go about converting them to something that i ccan burn onto a DVD-R and watch on an external DVD player?

2006-08-08 [Genesis~]: Download nero...

2006-08-08 [Kurokasai Senshu]: Hmmm, working on it. Can i assume i could get a more free variety on limewire?

2006-08-08 [Genesis~]: Yes, but after you download the movies you want, drag them to your desk top, and delete them from your limewire library.. Also..dont download more then 2 movies or songs from the same person..

2006-08-08 [Kurokasai Senshu]: Yeah, i know all the virus junk on limewire, i dont get my movies and stuff there, it takes way too long. I ment could i get nero for free there.

2006-08-08 [Genesis~]: Elftown really needs to fix these small crash's it has.. Really irratating... anyways.. i said delete them from the library because it makes limewire run like a slug..slow downloads and everything.. also, it jams up your comp if you have movies downloaded on lime in the lib. So you would be better off saving them in "My videos" and deleting them off lime wire.. as far as the virus thing goes.. you have a better chance getting a virus on limewire downloading nero and other programs then you would downloading a video or music.. Not many virus's come in the form of Divx, or AVI.

2006-08-08 [Genesis~]: or mpeg. but you should be able to find nero there.. You might want to look somewhere alse for a key generator though.

2006-08-18 [-Tier-]: wtf

2006-08-18 [Janus Star]: ....

2006-08-18 [Genesis~]: ???

2006-09-10 [Deleted001]: You know...

You kids should watch what you say on Elftown...Too bad you guys arent knowledge-able enough to realize this is not the place for this.

And also; You're no hackers, A real hacker is someone who seeks knowledge, Not someone who prys open website in a lame way such as you kids do.

I sugest you read some books,Learn how to code,And dont talk about hacking on websites like these.
I do sugest reading these:

And also:
If you ever feel the need to really learn what hacking is about,Message me,Or email me. Take your pick

you will always be script kiddies if you dont learn...Right now your script kiddies beyond all.

-Revelation signing off.

2006-09-11 [Genesis~]: I feel so Pwned... not. Watch what we say on elftown?? WTF mate?!?! What the hell are they going to do to us??? Also, someone who seeks knowledge... come one, and all this time I thought that was called Information seeking..I suggest you learn what hackers are really about, there are only two rules In a hackers world.. 1. What a hacker can do.  2. and what a hacker can't do. Thats It, cut plain and simple..

Dont talk about hacking on websites like these?? why not?? What are they going to do?? they cant delete us, besides, we havent done anything Illegal* on here.. We have our own little patch of cyber land here, where we can regroup, before doing anything..and meet others who are interested, and then chat on safer places. Maybe If you read this whole wiki, you would have realized that Instead of chicken typing in a comment that would make you feel like less of a poser. The truth Is, you are probably playing halo or masturbating to some porn you just downloaded on limewire.. and by the time you read this..well..Im sure Its going to take you another hour to chicken type a responce.  ;)

Oh, and by the way.. "-Revelation signing off." This Is not a radio or a walkie talkie, we can see your name next to your post you fucking No0b! Master Chief Almighty, where the hell do you people come from, what wood works do you come out of, I swear I will burn It down!

2006-09-11 [Janus Star]: honistly not gonna waste much of my time responding to such a pathetic attempt to make someone feel a some small time university IT-helpdesk operator

2006-09-11 [-Tier-]: That's silly. Because we don't match the 'hacker' stereotype, we're hacker wanna-bes?

As far as I know, we are hackers. A real hacker does not necessarily have to seek knowledge. A real hacker is someone who modifies one thing or another to make it better. Don't try to tell us what we know or don't know. You're in the wrong place. And know matter how 'lame' you might think it is - whether we use our own crafted software or another's - it's still hacking. I personally have read books; I know how to code; and I'll talk about whatever I feel - wherever I feel.

And I agree with Genesis~; this is a website, not a radio.

2006-09-11 [Janus Star]: ya i do have to say somthing about that, the radio thing? seriously? what the hell is the matter with you? if you wanted to do radio, should of became a DJ not a computer store owner... god you call us kids... sheesh...

2006-09-11 [Deleted001]: You know...You kids are bad -_-

I was trying to explain that talking about this stuff on these websites could get you into trouble one day in real life.

and no,not because you don't match the stereo-type you're wanna-be's, its because you take your time doing small things.

Its better to take on one big operation then all sorts of small ones,That kind of stuff...You follow ?

I dont work at just a university helpdesk, I am full coder and I probably worked on some applications you use to hack/crack(E.g. Nessus)

So why the hell would you guys waste your time here? I admit you might have a good talent,but dont waste it on small fry such a blog websites or community,Use it on better things...

Use that brain to create something, you have the knowledge to right ? You could just be like"fuck this guy,forget him" or you could take heed and listen,

Can I ask what the biggest you've ever done is? Is it websites like these ?Wireless networks? Admin acounts on FTP's?

and about the -Revelation signing off thing, you probably used something similar on a forum or something one day, Its just like a signature.

2006-09-11 [Janus Star]: ..ok listen, this is all just harmless fun, your wasteing your time trying to verbaly bash a group of people who just dont give a shit, this site, this wiki is somthing we do when we have the day off of work, or college.... or nothings on TV...etc..etc if you notice we dont post on it regularly everyday, so quit wasting your time calling us "kids" wanna-be's" etc.. an move on with your life..people here actualy want to talk civialy, an try an help or learn from others, so wed apreaciate it much if you just moved on with your life, Thank you

2006-09-11 [Deleted001]: Fine,Lets part ways here and now then.

It was funny meeting you, And I hope to hear from you in the news someday,when you've done something productive with your skills.

Laters then,

2006-09-13 [Genesis~]: Has anyone figured out when Halo the movie is coming out?

2006-09-14 [Janus Star]: No not yet... i havent even heard anything about it yet

2006-09-14 [Genesis~]: I have heard a little, but no deadline yet that I know of..I can't wait, that will probably beat advent children..

2006-09-17 [Hedda]: You can find [Genesis~] as [G:/enesis~]. [Genesis~]'s description is only lies so I closed that account.

And a correction of the comments above: Yes, you can get kicked out even if you don't break any rule. Elftown is very openminded, but if we don't like you, then it's goodbye. It's not impossible to go around a ban, but it surely takes the fun out of using Elftown.

2006-09-18 [-Tier-]: lol

2006-09-20 @Not logged in user@: Genesis~: Well that was easy... and seriously [@1] "but if we don't like you, then it's goodbye." why don't you like me, I never even did anything to you or your precious site.

2006-09-22 [levhole]: some how I knew that this sting of comments would be posted here at some point or another

2006-09-23 [Janus Star]: ~.~ wow they just keep popping out of the woodworks.. trying to insult us blah blah blah...doesnt anyone on this site realize how utterly pointless it is to insult someone online?.. it only make you look like a complete idiot for trying to get under someones skin youll never meet, sheesh just move on seriously.. stop wasteing your time, if you dont like the wiki, just click the little button then lets you LEAVE the page, dont make yourself look like an idiot

2006-09-29 [-Tier-]: Yeah!

2006-10-06 [A_real_freak]: heh wow interesting i usually hack and own all of Yahoo msn accounts but i never tried doing elftown yet

2006-10-08 [-Tier-]: Maybe you should.

2006-10-09 [G:/enesis~]: ........

2006-10-09 [G:/enesis~]: Someone keeps deleting my comments on here..

2006-10-09 [G:/enesis~]: so.....

2006-10-09 [G:/enesis~]: I guess I will move onto one of the satelite wiki's.

2006-10-09 [Urecht]: I have always wanted to learn how to hack. However i have no idea where to begin. Would anyone be inclined to give me some pointers?

2006-10-11 [Janus Star]: there are several websites that can help with that, one being or somthing to that affect...

2006-10-13 [Urecht]: ah, thank you

2006-10-14 [Janus Star]: No problem, thanks for dropping by, please feel free to ask any other questions you might have

2006-10-16 [Rr]: I was wondering if I could join this wiki

2006-10-16 [Janus Star]: Well i cant say yes with out running it past the in the meen time, what is your current computer skill level?

2006-10-17 [Rr]: um...none really...I'm just wanting to learn

2006-10-18 [-Tier-]: Well, Hence the name "Hackers Unite", this is a place for hackers to unite. This isn't a place for learning.

2006-10-18 [Panty Bandit]: Then what's the point in uniting exactly?

2006-10-19 [-Tier-]: What's the point of any of these wikis?

2006-10-19 [Panty Bandit]: ...learning, perhaps?

2006-10-20 [Rr]: I was just asking that is all...Kind of hoping I could talk to those who are more experienced in this.

2006-11-15 @Not logged in user@: w00t

2006-11-15 [Diiwica]: who was the not loged in user?

2006-11-16 [Rr]: a user not wanting to be known.

2006-11-16 [Diiwica]: That was clear.

2006-11-17 [Rr]: then why did you ask?

2006-11-20 @Not logged in user@: TracerT*

2006-11-26 [Janus Star]: ...

2006-11-29 @Not logged in user@: Error_Optik: You guys really need to set up a hacker server, that we can chat on, and practice some new software on. Then you could use this to contact other hackers, and send them to the directory.

2006-11-29 Error_Optik: Error_Optik: also, if you do, see if you can make the IP all binary.

2006-11-29 Error_Optik: Ok that was easy.

2006-12-08 Error_Optik: <img:>

Just realized this site was not normal HTML..


2006-11-26 KandyKaine: hey im from elfpack and i need help.. my account has kicked me out and i cant get back in. my username is [Zombiie Natiion]on there.. erm i havnt done anything wrong and its saying all of a sudden that my username doesnt exist but my friend can reach it from his computer if someone could possibly message me or something ill give them the password so they can help sort it id be very greatful x

2006-11-26 Sunrose: If your friend can reach it, then you're doing something wrong.
Don't send your password out to other members unless you know they're Guards.

2006-11-26 KandyKaine: well obviously.. im not just guna give out my password willy nilly lol! but dont worry people its been sorted!! thanks anyway

2006-12-04 Kirikale: Okay, so I haven't been on here in awhile, and I go to change some of my personal information... and then the system makes me change my password, which I've had for like the FOUR years I've been a member. WTH? I dunno why I'm informing you this... it just bothers me that I had to change my password because it is "too common." Ugh.

2006-12-04 Calico Tiger: It's to protect you and your account from being hacked. If a lot of other people have the same password, then it's more likely that someone can figure out what it is or get into your account through various methods. I don't know why people would dislike us protecting their accounts

2006-12-04 Ocean Soul: It does look like people like their accounts unsecure and hackable ;)

2006-12-04 Kirikale: It isn't that I want my account to be "hackable," it is the point that I've had the same password for so long that remembering a new one is going to be difficult.

2006-12-04 Savien: It's unbelievable how many people have the same passwords. o.O

2006-12-04 iippo: It's not that people don't like being protected, it's that people don't like being patronised, and "it's for your own good" is pretty much the most patronising you can get. The objective is good, the means to go about it isn't as good. But it's done, people will deal.

2006-12-04 shotokan_gal: The simplest thing is usually to add some numbers and symbols to your current password. This makes it more secure, and shouldn't be so hard to remember since you're not changing it to something completely different.

2006-12-04 Sunrose: I think that is your perception [iippo], I don't see it or mean it that way at all.
The only way to make sure that 9000 active members create safe passwords is by making sure they can't use unsafe ones. This way, that granted can be inconvenient for some, is the most effective and efficient way to make Elftown safer.
Most members, and this included me, don't know how unsafe their passwords are and how crackers go about cracking them.
Having a safe password is not just for your own protection, but also for the protection of Elftown against crackers who will use these houses to cause problems... . And this has actually happened in the past.

2006-12-06 NamelessMerc: Personally I like the new password system. I haven't changed mine since I joined, and last week I had to because I wanted to update. Granted I lost the changes, it wasn't all that bad and now I have a password that most of the people I know can't guess...

2006-12-11 [Error_Optik]: "for the protection of Elftown against crackers who will use these houses to cause problems..." I BELIEVE SHE WAS CALLING YOU GUYS SALTEENS...



2006-12-13 [Diiwica]: .... sounds easy...



2007-01-03 [Ω♥broken heart slayer♥Ω]: all use the term "hacker" loosely, don't you...

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